Thursday, January 31, 2008

January Sales

Since it's the last day of January, I thought I'd post about the wondrous thing called January sales. In the UK stores don't have many sales. At home, stores have annual, semi-annual, bi-annual, seasonal, holiday, everything sales all the time. Here, there really are no such regular sales, and even sale racks have slim pickings. But all of this is made up for twice a year, in January and July. Every single store has a blowout sale, with literally almost everything 50% or 70% off. This includes clothes from the past season and the current one. And not just clothes stores--I'm not joking that it's every single store. Fantastic!
So, fortuitously for them, Jessica and Jess were here for the January sales. We bought a ton of stuff, for so cheap! So I'm ending January a very happy girl, and very well dressed =)

Harrods...There is only ONE sale! And Harrods is the place to be

One of my favorite stores, Monsoon, usually too expensive, but now priced just right!! Most stores are decorated with these sort of sale signs, just in case you forgot it's sale season

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Oh, Monsoon, how I miss you! I wore one of your shirts yesterday. It was, of course, wonderful. Compliment-incurring. Lovely. Stupendous...