Tuesday, January 15, 2008

English TV

Before I came here, I definitely did not get English humor! Jessica and I watched the British version of The Office a while ago, and I'll admit that I didn't think it was too funny. Maybe American humor is more crass, simple, down to earth? I'm not sure. I suppose the English like to think that they're above our childish humor levels. But I've come to appreciate it a lot more, and the definite subtle differences.
I've watched several English TV shows now since I've been here and am hooked! Peep Show (hilarious!!), Little Britain (like our SNL), other older ones that I can't remember now... Anyway, they're great.
I'm mainly writing this post because I want to put up a clip from Little Britain. It's a sketch show like SNL and my favorite character is Vicky. She's a chav (sort of like what we would call white trash, if someone was EVER so vulgar as to use that term!) and she's hilarious. And this is my favorite scene, enjoy....


Jessica said...

oh my

Anonymous said...

i don't know if its just me, but i can barely understand what she is saying! haha :)