Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Sheffield and Brighton

The end of March brought two random trips to two random places in England. My flatmate was in a UK-wide university championship boxing thing in Sheffield and I decided to go to root him on and to visit the Peak District. It is supposed to be stunning. And it definitely was! Though the weather was a bit crummy. Amazing countryside...very rustic. And the best part is I met two women with a dog that looks exactly like my old dog, Fritz! The same coloring, abnormally large size and everything!
And then I took a trip to Brighton, a popular seaside town south of London. It was a perfectly beautiful day. I really liked Brighton because it is quaintly run down and a lot of old-school fun. Arcade games and machines where you can win pennies, roller coasters on the pier, fish and chips, rock candy, seagulls.... a great day at the beach =)

So this is Fritz.....
And this is the dog that I saw on my walk in the Peak District! Exact replica....

It may not look that impressive, but it had just rained in Sheffield for probably 4 days straight. So this was looking pretty good to me.

Chris in the boxing ring

Second place! Fantastic!

the Brighton Pier. Love how it has a slight air of neglect. Really a lot of fun!

Walking on the hard pebble beach. The water was very very cold.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love your blog pics! awww Fritz! haha... p.s CHECK YOUR G-mail!!! asap please :)
