Sunday, September 23, 2007

Endings and Beginnings

Hello all!
So, welcome to my blog. I promise to do my best to make it fun and interesting--no boring stories about what I learned in class!
So thanks to everyone who came to see me off on my last day! It was wonderful to see everyone, even though no one danced for me. I WILL spread the game to London....
Here are a few pictures...

Roommates for a time! Callie is struggling to get away...

me with all of my suitcases--had to pay an overage charge! But it doesn't look like that much to me...

So then my plane ride over was fantastic! It was only maybe 20% full, so I got a whole row to myself =)
Immediately after checking in, a girl in the flat across from me said she and her mom were going to the Tesco (a big Walmart-like store) that's a distance away. Apparently it's the only big super-store like that that sells everything you need--BECAUSE the dumb dorm doesn't give you a single thing, like toilet paper or trash bags. So I made a nuisance of myself and tagged along, relying on their directional sense. Nothing can describe the Tesco besides pure and utter chaos. A ton of people, cutting each other off in the aisles, crowding up strange. So I bought as much as my arms could carry and we figured out something GENIUS. You pick up this telephone inside of Tesco, and a cab company picks up. You tell them where you want to go, they give you a number, then you go wait in the special cab area. Then after a wait, a taxi cab pulls up, calls out a number, and you hop in! It's like a special shuttle service from Tesco to your home. So when you're bogged down with a ton of stuff, you don't have to walk. And it was actually CHEAP. Amazing....
So here are some pictures of my dorm/flat/room

My little, little room. But lots of storage--for all the stuff I'm going to buy!!

my flat's common kitchen and dining area

View from my balcony!! It's super cool

I took a walk around my residence, and here are some pictures to entertain you.

The local pub...well actually there are like a dozen within a several block radius, but this one is literally right next door

Gainsford Street! This is me!

a cute little street next to mine

the tower bridge is in my backyard!!!!

OK so sorry if it's not quite as interesting as you had hoped, but I am jet lagged! I can't seem to remember when I slept last.
Take my poll! More to come...

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Aw, one of your going away pictures isn't showing up right. Excellent starter post from London!!! Can't wait to see it for myself :-) And see a picture of you laying in that teeny tiny bed.